Skills Outlook
5 important points about future jobs and a look to 2022 skills in the workforce
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The stakes for developing effective talent are rising quickly. However, simply recruiting to find the right talent may not be possible. In order to succeed, you need to rapidly evolve your organization to cultivate an evergreen source of talent with existing and future employees, direct your organization’s future and harness human potential.
5 important points about the future of jobs as presented by the World Economic Forum
1. Automation, robotization and digitization look different across industries. High-speed mobile internet, artificial intelligence big data analytic, and cloud technology are set to spearhead companies’ adoption of new technologies between 2018 and 2022.
2. There is a net positive outlook for jobs. Growing occupations incudes roles such as Data Analysts, Software and Applications Developers and E-commerce and Social Media Specialists — jobs that are significantly based on, and enhanced by, the use of technology.
3. The division of labor between humans, machines and algorithms is shifting fast. By 2022, 62% of organization’s data processing and information search and transmission tasks will be performed by machines. Even work tasks performed by humans today – communicating, interacting, coordinating, managing and advising, will begin to be taken on by machines, although to a lesser degree.
4. New tasks at work are driving demand for new skills. Skills growing in prominence include analytical thinking and active learning as well as skills such as technology design, highlighting the growing demand for various forms of technology competency.
5. We will all need to become lifelong learners. On average, employees will need 101 days of retraining and upskilling in the period up to 2022.
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